Child Safety

I would like to talk about keeping your children safe. Now that I am a new 54 year old dad, and I realize how we all take it for granted (sometimes) how important it is to keep your children safe from all types of hazards around the house. Considering we live in a high tech world and most of us have all types of electronic gadgets such as computers, TVs, stereos, DVD players, etc. It is important that we safeguard our children from thesechild_safety_slide types of luxuries we use to make our lives a little easier.

When I was growing up, my parents really didn’t have to worry too much about electronic gadgets in the house. The most would be electrical outlets and their lava lamp. They really didn’t own alot of electronic equipment such as, computers, cell phones, VCR’s. Although this is a no-brainer, we still may slip [no pun intended] once in awhile and not notice – things happen – some of the dangers we have around the house. Just look around your house and see what kind of hazards electronic and non-electronic exist. You’ll be surprised at some of the things you didn’t notice.

I just hope we can keep it safe for our children and adults as well.

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