
I used FaceTime for the first time the other night. It was very interesting. I was at my friends house and we usually call my girlfriends daughter after dinner. Her daughter goes to the University of Hawaii aFacetime-icont Manoa. She told us about FaceTime. I used Skype before and that was my only experience I’ve had with using  videotelephony to communicate with a friend.

Since my friend has an iPad – it is already pre-loaded with the FaceTime app. Also it is on the iPhone 5, and if you have an iPhone 4, you need to update your software to the iOS 7.0  update. It takes about one to two hours to download on your iPhone 4.

This is a fun app to use. My girlfriends daughter saw her baby sister walking for the first time. She said she almost started crying to see her sister walking for the first time. She also was laughing at her Papa (Grandfather) who is growing a mustache and beard. It was a moment that was priceless. We’re going to dinner tonight, so we’ll probably call her tonight using FaceTime.

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